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Is PEPPERDINE a good school to go to for music performance???????

If not what are some good schools?
I really really want to go to Pepperdine.
But is it good if I want to be a singer?
I know that the singer 'Brandy' went there.
So maybe?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've never heard anything about Pepperdine's music department. According to US News & World Report (1997), the top ten music schools in the US are, in no particular order: Juilliard, Indiana, Michigan, Northwestern, Illinois, Cincinnati, Oberlin, New England Conservatory, Curtis Institute, and Eastman. On the west coast, good music schools include USC, Arizona State, San Francisco Conservatory, Washington, Arizona, Oregon, and UC Northridge.

The reality, though, is that you can find a good teacher at many different schools, even if the whole program isn't on the level of some of those. Find a teacher that you can work with and whose singing you like, and go with them.......that's an option, too.

Keep this in mind: most music schools train musicians in classical music, which is very different than R&B. If you want to sing like Brandy or some other pop star, you may want to look at something other than going to a traditional music school.........they may not teach you what you want to know. Also, the reality is that very few people can even pay their bills as a performer, let alone make millions. I know some great musicians who work another job during the day and play/sing at night. With the music and recording industry losing money, thanks in part to the pirating of cd's and mp3's, it's getting more difficult all the time, so having another way to make ends meet might not be a bad idea.

My advice: if you can find a program that will help you sing the music you want to sing, go study there. Pepperdine wouldn't be high on my list, but I also don't know the school or program. If you can't find a program (if it's pop), go where you want to go to school and find other ways to sing and learn. Schools with jazz departments might give you more options, too.