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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Can intervals go higher than P8? If yes, then how? *Explain please.... I dont ge


Can intervals go higher than P8? If yes, then how? *Explain please.... I dont get it!*?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: An interval is the distance between two pitches. Defining each interval can get tricky, depending on how far apart the pitches are.

For example: C (one leger line below treble clef) to F (first space treble clef) is a perfect fourth because they're four notes apart.

For another example: C (one leger line below treble clef) to C (third space treble clef) is a P8 (perfect octave).

Another one: C (one leger line below treble clef) to C# (third space treble clef) is an Augmented 8 (octave) because it's larger than both the original octave AND the C-C# if they were both on the leger line below treble clef.

Just because they have the same note NAMES does not mean they're exactly a half-step apart.