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Drum major audition help?!?!?! plz?

This coming week my high school band is holding drum major auditions and i am super excited but has been like my life dream to be in this position...<does anyone have tips or advice on how to get the drum major position????>.....plz help me, i am so I've already been practicing my conducting, marching, and commanding skills, but still i feel i should know

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: As a Band Director I look for lots of things when I am auditioning my drum majors, but here are a few of the key points, in order of importance:

- Confidence and poise. If you want to be a leader, act like one.

- Solid basic skills. It is ok to make an honest mistake. It is NOT ok not to know your stuff.

- Calm under pressure. If you do make a mistake, how do you handle it? What if someone in the Band makes a mistake? What kinds of things can I expect from you when the pressure is on?

- Dedication to the Band. Will you be someone who goes above and beyond your minimum requirements?

- Relationship with your peers. You have to have good social skills and be a person who is going to help bring more people to the program, not scare them away.

- Thick skin. Can you handle it when I give you things to fix or to work on. Can you handle it when your best friend has to be called out for a mistake at rehearsal?

You seem like you are excited. That alone is enough to tell me that you will do well. Good luck and have fun!