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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What things can damage/increase your singing voice?


What things can damage/increase your singing voice?

Does doing voice animation (like different voices other than your own), screaming and trying to sing high pitch for a guy (just for practicing and trying to increase range) damage your vocal cords? Also, what other things out there can damage your voice? Like I mean naturally not through some means of smoking or something...And is it as long as your throat does not get hurt, it's ok?
What things can increase your singing voice and help it? I know practice, but is there any other advice out there that can help me plz? How often should I practice for a 14 year old guy and what kind of practices should I do?

Additional Details

6 months ago
By the way, I do not smoke.

6 months ago
I've gotten interested in singing again around this week. lol. And I don't scream until my throat hurts. But sometimes I over do it just a little, that it just feels rough. I kinda sang to my friends today and one of them said I have a large range from high pitch to low pitch for a guy. She also said that I have a soft voice in singing. Is that okay? I'm trying different types of voices, like with just my normal voice, or just a little higher or something like that. I'm trying to look something that will fit.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 6 months ago
By the way, I do not smoke.