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Any good magic tricks?

i need a good magic trick that will help me win this girl's heart.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: One cute and simple one -and in time for Valentine's Day-...
Get a piece of one-inch foam, from a crafts store or fabric shop. Cut a heart out of it, about 6-8 inches across, and dye it red. (After it's dry) sqeeze it and palm it. You can approach her, tap your chest, and suddenly produce the heart, mime-style. Or, if she's not so jittery she'll push you away, tap HER chest and produce it. If you have experience with palming foam balls, you could even make 3 or 4 different sizes of hearts. Produce one, then make it bigger and bigger. Maybe even end up with a chocolate heart to give her. That way you get to keep the foam ones!

This is just one. There's lots more great tricks -like producing a flower, or even buying her a drink! Just don't tell her how you did it.