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Singing without tension - What is breathe controL?

I Know theres breathe control but I don't understand how u actually know how much air to release? So u control how much ur diaphragm goes up when u sing each note??? Cuz I always find myself even with sufficient air or smthing wen i sing a note my larnyx automatically slides up...i try to relax but then it still slides up...i dunno if its a habit or that i cant reach that note without tension..

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm sorry. I wouldn't know how to answer it. I always had good "breath" as my chorus teacher would say. I never had to be taught how to do something like that because it came naturally. But here goes what I can think of..

Inhale as much breath as you can, and each time you open your mouth to sing, simultaneously, try to inhale more breath for the next time you have to exhale. That way you never run out....
and so on...and so on...until the song ends. :D