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What classical voice pieces should I audition with?

I need two classical pieces for a college audition: one in a language other than English. My classical experience isn't extremely broad, but my musicianship and theory is beyond most students. I am a high tenor, and would like to show off my upper range. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I agree with the person who suggested the book of Italian songs and arias. Italian is a great place to start if you haven't done a lot of foreign language. All of the vowels are pure, as in "ah, eh, ee, oh, and oo." That's pretty easy to remember.

I personally like "Il mio bel foco" as it is called in the Schirmer edition or "Quella Fiamma" as it is called in the new edition (the purple book). It has a high A that you get to hold out for awhile. Lots of fun for a person who likes to show of their high range.

For your English audition piece, may I recommend something by Handel or Purcell. I love listening to guys sing Baroque. My tenors all love "Where E'er You Walk" by Handel.

Best of luck!!