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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Does anyone know a christian worship song that is easy to play and sing?


Does anyone know a christian worship song that is easy to play and sing?

hey ya'll. me and my friends are doing a song at our churches next youth rally. we need a song that will absolutly grab hold of the kids and fricken rock them all the way to the feet of jesus.But it needs to be pretty easy to play on bass and acoustic. cause we are young teenagers,but we really need song ideas cause we really want to get these kids saved!!!! and the quickest way to our kids hearts is through music!!!!

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5 months ago
ok well we need this cause like we are playing at a rally and we want to save some kids. and let me clarify, we have drums,I play bass,we can play either electric or acoustic it doesnt matter.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 5 months ago
ok well we need this cause like we are playing at a rally and we want to save some kids. and let me clarify, we have drums,I play bass,we can play either electric or acoustic it doesnt matter.