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Which bassoon reed brand?

I'm a high school bassoon player in a small band. I'm looking at getting some reeds on musician' However, I'm not sure which brand to get, they are all relatively close in price.
There are: LaVoz, Rico, and Fox. If you'd like to know more, they are all shown on this page:
I'm not looking for the absolute best, just something that will play well (I use mediums) and last for a while.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Well, I am not a bassoonist, but as a teacher and conductor, I have worked with a few. Most make their own reeds. Personally, I would not buy online. There is too much chance that the reed will not work and then you will be stuck. Go to a local music store and look the reeds over carefully before buying.

Another thing... I HIGHLY recommend is getting with a bassoonist at the nearest university for a few lessons. Bassoon is one of the coolest sounding instruments in the orchestra, but also one of the most difficult to master.

Now about brands... I like Jones, Chartier, and Lescher. They are all hand made and high in quality. You should also invest in a good reed knife so that you can shave the reeds to your individual liking (i posted a link below). That is the best I can answer your question...hopefully a REAL bassoonist will see this and offer better advice than I. Good luck!