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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How can i make it in roadway, im an amazing singer, so i've been told?


How can i make it in roadway, im an amazing singer, so i've been told?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Roadway the trucking company?

Maybe you mean Broadway.

Have your singing evaluated by a top-notch singer (most universities have excellent faculty), and go from there. Moms, Dads, Aunts, and Uncles are not a good set of evaluators, if that is who has told you this.

Being a pro involves a lot more than just walking out and belting out a tune. You will need lessons, and I recommend some of these summer camps where they do musical theatre productions. You can find those on the Internet. As you get acclimated to life as a musical theatre person, you will learn the ropes as you go.