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A really original 80's costume.....?

I really need something totally original for my daughter. She is 16 and has to come up with something from the 80's. One girlis going as a can of "Hair Net" Hair spray. One girl is going as Boy George..any good ideas?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Oh Boy the 80's!!! Well, let see...I think an easy costume would be a white t-shirt with the word RELAX on it and some black leggings (funny, they are back in style) with some flats...(those are also back in style) and a bunch of bracelets..rubber ones like from the $1 store. Any thing that's neon...make sure she uses Valley Girl talk...(watch the movie!!)
Try and go to the fashion link!
Good-Luck and have like so much fun OK?