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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I'm auditioning for a 6th grade musical tomorrow. Any tips to get the leading ro


I'm auditioning for a 6th grade musical tomorrow. Any tips to get the leading role?

The role involves singing and acting.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I did theatre and musicals for twelve years, so here's my best advice.

1) Practice lots and lots!
2) Drink water- it will keep your voice clean and decrease your chances of hurting it
3) Dress up- dress up to show the directors you care about the role
4) A resume- if you have one, list all you present and past experiences. It will give them an idea of what you have done in the past and what you are doing now
5) Have fun and don't get too nervous- if you get nervous, you will start to lose your concentration

Have fun and good luck!