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What to sing at the talent show?

I signed up for the talent show but what can I sing?I sing great but...i prefer low pitched songs or maybe high...i dunno!And please make the songs appropriat cuz I go to a private school

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Sing a song from a musical. If your looking for a lower pitched song, try "I'm Not That Girl", from Wicked. A really funny one, also from Wicked, is "Popular" for people with higher pitched voices. If you have a powerful voice try "Defying Gravity" or "The Wizard and I" (the 30 second sample on itunes sucks, its really an amazing song), but I would reccomend finding a friend and singing "What is This Feeling?". All these songs are from Wicked. Look it up on iTunes or buy the soundtrack. You can also get the karaoke versions on iTunes. If your looking for a song to sing in a talant show, Wicked is the way to go! Good luck :]