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How can I change and stay coo too?

All my friend think i am coo cute but can not dance I don't think that is coo and i do not want them to be my friend any more but i got more friends that think i am coo just the way i am and they are coo if i can't dance they try and help me but they are not dat coo like my other friends so help me find out wat i should do.signed confused.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Why would you not want to be friends with someone just because they think you can not dance and dancing is cool. We all have different persceptions of cool.... so they thing differently of the ability to dance than you... its okay to be different. Friends arn't suppose to be identical refelctions of each other, if so friendshships would get boring quick.

You should choose friends because you value their character, time and personalities not because they think you can not dance.. and your firned should value the same things in you....