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Position:Home>History> Did ancient Greece get all of its ideas from ancient Egypt?

Question: Did ancient Greece get all of its ideas from ancient Egypt!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think Egyptian civilization must have influenced the Greeks to a certain extent!. The Egyptians were producing amazing works of architecture long before the Greeks for example, and studying things like astronomy and medicine!. I think the Greeks were attracted by some aspects of Egyptian civilization, and less attracted by others!.

Some Greek inventions were uniqutely Greek though!. The Egyptians did not have anything resembling the democratic form of government invented by Athens for example, or anything like Greek theatre!. Nor do I think that they went in so much for philosophy (not necessarily a bad thing)!. On the other hand, Egyptian society was not totally dependent on slavery like the Greeks were!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They didn't get much from the Egyptians at all, that I know of!. Do you have some examples!? I seem to recall the Egyptians nobility were very keen on incest, but the Greeks abhorred it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

not all they learned from Imhotep about building up a civilization and maintain one but they added homosexuality to it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com