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Position:Home>History> What did theodore roosevelt do for america?

Question: What did theodore roosevelt do for america!?
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In 1904, Theodore Roosevelt won the Presidency by a landslide!. He summed up his victory by stating, "I am no longer a political accident!." He vigorously led Congress and the American public toward new reforms and a strong foreign policy!. While in office, Roosevelt became a "trust buster" by forcing the great railroad combination in the Northwest to break apart!.

Earlier Congress passed the Sherman Antitrust Act in 1890 to maintain economic liberty, and to eliminate restraints on trade and competition!. This act came into play during Roosevelt's trust busting activities!.

Roosevelt steered the United States more actively into world politics!. He was aware of the need for a shortcut between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans as a means of connecting the world!. Hay-Pauncefote Treaty clears the way for an interoceanic canal!. As a result, in 1903, construction of the Panama Canal began!.

Roosevelt helped solve disputes over Venezuela, the Dominican Republic, and Morocco!. He won the adoption of the Drago Doctrine, which prevented the use of force in collecting foreign debts, an issue increasingly important as the U!.S!. became more involved with other countries!.

Invites Booker T!. Washington (First African-American Guest )to dine at the White House!.

T!.R!. appoints Pat Garrett, slayer of Billy the Kid, as Customs Collector of El Paso, Texas

Reprimand of Gen!. Nelson Miles for criticizing the President's Philippine Independence program!.

Enforces the Monroe Doctrine in Venezuela

Creates Crater Lake National Park!. Meat Inspection Act!. Signs U!.S!. Antiquities Act

Recognizes the Republic of Panama and begins construction of the Panama Canal

Alaskan boundary dispute resolved!.

Negotiates Portsmouth Treaty ending the Russo-Japanese War!.

Creates U!.S!. Forest Service!.

Sends Victor Metcalf, the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, to California to diffuse the racial tension prompted by the San Francisco School Board's decision to segregate Japanese students

Santo Domingo Treaty gains de facto international recognition of the Monroe Doctrine
Wins Nobel Peace Prize

U!.S!. Postage Stamps sold for the first time (cost=$!.01)

Employer's Liability Act

U!.S!. Marines overthrow Nicaraguan regimeWww@QuestionHome@Com

That depends on how you define "America!."

He publicly grappled with his sickly childhood by asserting a re-defined "manliness" rooted in the late-1800s "back to nature" movement (a strand of Transcendentalism)!. He made camping an official leisure movement and established the Nation Parks system!. He actively promoted a "rugged outdoorsman" image!.

He busted up a bunch of monopolies (trust busting)!. This is his main contribution to the Progressive movement!. But he also helped promote various acts/legislation based in a new idea of "the public" (also Progressive) that helped improve the living and working conditions of the growing working/urban poor and that helped protect the growing consumer class!.

He promoted American imperialism through his Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine!. Steeped in a racist "white man's burden" ideology, he promoted a White America on a global scale, especially in Latin America, but also East Asia!. This can be seen in American intervention in China, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Venezuela, Panama/Colombia, etc!. He specifically called Latin Americans "our little brown brothers" and wanted to help those nations to whiten their populations (socially -- in the form of industrial capitalist enterprise -- and biologically -- which is too complicated to discuss here)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He established the Pure Food and Drug Act (precursor to the modern FDA), established National Parks, broke up huge trusts like Standard Oil, built the Panama Canal, and was the first American to win the Nobel Peace Prize!.Www@QuestionHome@Com