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Position:Home>History> How did trade hinder yet promote the expansion of the Ottoman Empire?

Question: How did trade hinder yet promote the expansion of the Ottoman Empire!?

I know that trade promoted the expansion because it was done by sea, and because of that the Ottoman Empire was receiving goods from everywhere,and that it also promoted Arts, Literature, and etc!.

Is there any other way that rade promoted expansion!? Is there anything else(such as military) that promoted the expansion!?

I know that military promoted the expansion because the Ghazis were warriors for Islam, and wanted to conquer all who weren't, and that the most successful Ghazi was Osman(Hence the name Ottoman) and that it became very successful for it's knowledge, and use of gun powder!.

Is there any other way that military helped to expand the Ottoman Empire!?

Trade helped to hinder it because the trade routes running through the empire were no longer as important for Europe, and hence yielded less income; the population had grown big and had become less controllable; cities had become weaker(Hard to control and run things well)

Does anyone have any other ideas!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Ottoman Empire had many of the same problems that the old Roman Empire did!. It was spread out over a huge area and communication and transportation was primitive!. The military influence as it relates to expansion is there for obvious reasons!. Many territories were conquered for strategic purposes or too gain a valuable resource!. Although the Ottoman Empire did eventually collapse in 1923 it controlled the region we call the Middle East from 1299 - 1923!. It was the last unified "modern" nation that the region had!. It was the first nation to create an air academy for pilots and played a big role in WW1!.Www@QuestionHome@Com