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Position:Home>History> Even though the Vikings were farmers?

Question: Even though the Vikings were farmers!?
Why, when they went raiding some village, did they burn crops!? Isn't that going to set them back a few months in the farming cycle!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Much of their raiding was seasonal (spring and autumn) - they would plant their own crops, then go raiding - and probably not burning their victims crops unless as revenge or for reasons of extortion!. Once they had returned home and completed their own harvest, they would go out on another raid - perhaps loading any grain harvested and already in storage from their victims!.

Hope this helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm trying to find any info on if and when Vikings burned crops, and am not seeing much one way or the other!.
I would guess that, if they were burning crops that it would slow down any pursuit - the desire to save your crops would be higher than the desire to wreak vengence on the raiders!.
On the other hand, burning crops would draw attention, sending a signal to the surrounding communites for many miles that something was amiss!. If it was done it was probably done while retreating!.

As the wise man said
"Rape and Pillage - THEN Burn!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hi there!.
It wasn't THEIR crops, so they had little to lose!. If a village surrendered quickly and handed over acceptable loot, then the buildings, crops etc would be spared - the Vikings would usually accept easy profit without a fight!. Paying them off became a kind of tax and went on for a long time, becoming institutionalised!.
Cheers, Steve!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It sounds like you're saying they burnt other people crops, which obviously they wouldn't care about

But if they burnt their own crops then yes that would be completely idiotic

But the Vikings weren't as barbaric as made out!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Scorched earth policy!. Burn everything so the others can't use it against them!. Set them back so they have to start over!. They pillaged and took what they wanted and burned the rest!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They didn't burn crops in their own countries, only in the countries they plundered, like England!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They,re favourite crop was rape !!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com