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Position:Home>History> If you lived in Anti-Bellum South, what would you be?

Question: If you lived in Anti-Bellum South, what would you be!?
I highly suspect I would be a 'person of the pine barren', or 'piney folks' as I like to call them!. What would you be!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The antebellum South was the in main the South of the Civil war!. If you were in the antebellum South, you could be:

1) a plantation owner, who owned and worked his land with slaves!.
2) a person of the merchant class, who might or might not agree with and own slaves
3) a small farmer, who probably couldn't afford slave whether he agreed with slavery or not!.
3) but no matter who or what you were you were willing to fight and die for the South not because of or in defense of slavery, but because you believed in state's rights; that part of the Constitution that states that any power not specifically assigned to the Federal government was to be given to the states or the people!. (Do not read this as approving the institution of slavery or racism!. It is simply that the antebellum South felt that they should have the right to make decisions for themselves, and not have the North come down and force them to do things the Northern way!.)

I feel, from what I studied of the Civil War in school, that slavery would have fallen sooner or later because it was becoming less and less efficient as a source of labor, and we all know that the bottom line (show me the money) trumps any moral philosophy (such as treating all people as people; that all people have certain inalienable rights regardless of their race, color or creed!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I wonder if you have the right word there!. Normally, the word is 'antebellum' which refers to the period in the south before the Civil War!. Your word 'Anti-Bellum' would somehow mean anti-war, some how implying living in a South that was anti-war!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is very possible that I would be one of the 600,000+ Southerners who still supported the Union and who did not buy into the Slaveholder's rebellion against the democratically-elected government of Abraham Lincoln, and did not support Secession and the so-called "States Rights!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Would have been a "Colonel" with the white suit and cane, bossing everyone around & listening to "DoDah" all day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com