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Question: Question about mercantilism!?
How could mercantilism have been a cause of war and of economic growth!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Mercantilism is a method of government control over the economy!. The way it works is as follows: Taxes and laws are placed by acts, such as the Trade and Navigation Acts, in order to prevent the people of your nation from buying things from other nations!. That way the amassed wealth of your nation is safe, while exports can continue uninterrupted!. The English believed that their American colonies were an excellent way to bring wealth to Britain!. Many colonials had originally been very poor in England or other countries, now many were successful!. The Trade and Navigation Acts made it difficult for the Americans to buy anything from the French, Spanish, Dutch, etc!. The reasoning was that now all the products bought by the colonists would bring money into Britain!. Over time, the money amassed by the success of the colonists would be brought into the treasury of the rulers of England!. This vast amount of wealth would then allow the English to field a larger army than France, or Spain, and thus Britain could snuff out all it's rivals in Europe!.

Now, greater levels of economics indicate that mercantilism actually decreases economic growth, due to the Quantity Theory of Money!. However, at the time such practices were standard!. Www@QuestionHome@Com