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Position:Home>History> Does this presidental election remind U somehow of the one that happened back in

Question: Does this presidental election remind U somehow of the one that happened back in 1928, historically speaking!?

the one between Herbert Hoover & Al Smith! Al Smith was considered to be a ethnic minority for his time since he happened to me part Irish,not unlike the way Barrack Obama is a minority being half black,half white! Would U suppose there's a slight chance of McCain making a miracle comeback due to Obama's past associations with radical groups and/or people and the fact he is not all white!?
Now as it was then,we seem to be headed for the greatest depression in a century!. What are some of your thoughts!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There are too many important differences for them to be thought of as very similar!.
First of all, "The Republicans were identified with the booming economy of the 1920s" Now, the Republicans are identified with a sinking economy, since Bush is President, and the economy is tanking!.
Second of all, one of the major reasons (historians agree upon this) that Smith lost is that he was against Prohibition!. Prohibition doesn't exist today, obviously!.
Third of all, Smith did very poorly in the South--but Obama has much of the South!.
Fourth of all, there was no war, which is a HUGE deal in this election, and in any election!.

I do agree that Obama is similar to Smith in ONE way--sort of!. "Smith was the first Roman Catholic to gain a major party's nomination for President, and his religion became an issue during the campaign!. Many Protestants feared that Smith would take orders from church leaders in Rome in making decisions affecting the country" BUT once again--a major difference: people fear that Obama is Muslim and will take orders from Muslim leaders in the Middle East!.!.!.however, difference is that Obama is NOT Muslim (whereas Smith WAS Roman Catholic!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Senator McCain's only hope of winning is for young Obama voters to stay home, for older Obama voters to screw up the ballot like they did in Florida in 2000, and for the voting machines to curiously break down or run out of ballots like they did in Democratic precincts throughout Ohio in 2004!.

It seems like some voter registration organizations failed to turn in many new voter registrations before the deadline for registering to vote!. Those people who thought that they had registered to vote will be plenty upset to learn that on election day!. What a nightmare that will be!. There has to be a way to register voters automatically, like when their driver's license is issued, when election day voter registration in a state is prohibited!.

So McCain has a chance, but it's still slim!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think we are headed for an Obama win!. I don't think we are headed for a second Great Depression!. One reason being that we now have a lot of safety checks in place that date to FDR!. Wh is ironically called a socialist by the Republicans scrambling to use these checks now!. It is the time to buy stocks and hold if have them!. It is a buyers market!. They will recover!. They will probably never be this good a buy again!.Www@QuestionHome@Com