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Position:Home>History> How did world religions (ie: christianity,islam) change so that people of other

Question: How did world religions (ie: christianity,islam) change so that people of other cultures could be accommodated!?
i don't see how they changed for other cultures!. it looks like people of other cultures changed for the religions rather than the other way around!. yet i'm still supposed to find ways that religions like christianity, buddhism, and hinduism changed to accommodate the other cultures and societies that they spread to!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
World religions frequently changed to accommodate other cultures!. The process is called syncretism!.
For example, Christianity incorporated several pagan festivals, such as the Germanic winter festival of Yule and the Roman Saturnalia festival (Christmas), various spring festivals (Easter), and the Celtic Samhain (Hallowe'en) and included symbols - such as the Christmas tree and lights and Easter eggs - that were important to cultures in which Christianity was spreading!.
A more specific example is the synthesis of Hinduism and Buddhism in Nepal, where Buddhists and Hindus often worship at the same temples and share some of the same festivals and holidays!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ellie basically has the right answer here!.
How did world religions change so that people of other cultures could be accommodated!? A lot!. Christianity is an easy example!. Christian feasts and festivals were rearranged to comply with local traditions!. To this day various Christian sects / groups celebrate Easter for example at different times of the year!.

Bilal apparently didn't read the question because he seems to have answered with something completely unrelated!.

Islam is in fact, possible, the most syncretic of all the major religions!. Being closely related to both Christianity and Judaism it has taken various aspects of each and integrated them into itself to broaden it's appeal!.

Good examples of Islam's syncretic nature are: Sihkism, The Bahai, or the Druzes sect of Islam!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Islam changed the entire region, but it was largely unadultered by other cultures!. Few examples include the offshoot of minor sects and the assimilation of some tribal symbology (such as the evil eye)!.

It was founded by Muhammed in the 7th century, Saudi Arabia!. Previously, Middle Eastern culture and religion was tribal and varied!. Under his leadership and that of his successors, the Middle East became Islamic!.

Christianity is a much better example of your question!. Romans were responsable for the major expansion of christianity and the conversion of pagans to christianity!.

However, many "christian" holidays have their roots in pagan rituals!. For instance, Christmas is a mishmush of various winter festivals and equinox celebrations including the Roman pre-christian Natalis Solis Invicti and the Scandinavian Yule!. Many christmas rituals and symbolisms are vestiges of paganism!.

The most accurate accounting for Jesus's actual birth is closer to the spring!. This is supported by the bible, which states that the first to see him were shepherds in the field!. That is a spring-time event!. Traditionally, they spent the winters indoors!.

Easter is also rooted in Paganism!. The bunny and eggs are vivid examples of fertility and rebirth associated with polytheism!. The Jewish observance of Passover coincidentally occurs around this time, and Jesus, being a Jew, was observing the holiday just prior to his crucifixion!. FYI the holiday include a feast which is where "the Last Supper" is derived!.

Valentines and halloween are also pagan holidays!.

It is basically a strategy to gain more adherents to the religion, even if they arent devout followers or if it affects the integrity of the original religion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Islam didn't change anybodies culture!. When the early Islamic Armies liberated the different countries from their oppressors like the Romans and Byzantines the people were given the choice to a
1!. convert to Islam,
2!. Stay as they were but pay tax so that the muslim armies would protect them,and
3!. stay as they were with there own religion and culture!.
Islam is a religion not a culture so there was no widespread change!. I f they accepted Islam they just had to abide by the rules!. No problem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com