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Position:Home>History> What did the most Congress think of Lincoln's Reconstruction Plan?

Question: What did the most Congress think of Lincoln's Reconstruction Plan!?
And What did the Radical Republicans feel was the main goal of Reconstruction!?

10 points!.!.!.!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Even before the war ended, President Lincoln began the task of restoration!. Motivated by a desire to build a strong Republican party in the South and to end the bitterness engendered by war, he issued (Dec!. 8, 1863) a proclamation of amnesty and reconstruction for those areas of the Confederacy occupied by Union armies!. It offered pardon, with certain exceptions, to any Confederate who would swear to support the Constitution and the Union!. Once a group in any conquered state equal in number to one tenth of that state's total vote in the presidential election of 1860 took the prescribed oath and organized a government that abolished slavery, he would grant that government executive recognition!.

Lincoln's plan aroused the sharp opposition of the radicals in Congress, who believed it would simply restore to power the old planter aristocracy!. They passed (July, 1864) the Wade-Davis Bill, which required 50% of a state's male voters to take an “ironclad” oath that they had never voluntarily supported the Confederacy!. Lincoln's pocket veto kept the Wade-Davis Bill from becoming law, and he implemented his own plan!. By the end of the war it had been tried, not too successfully, in Louisiana, Arkansas, Tennessee, and Virginia!. Congress, however, refused to seat the Senators and Representatives elected from those states, and by the time of Lincoln's assassination the President and Congress were at a stalemate!.