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Position:Home>History> Who are the rulers in u.s.a.?

Question: Who are the rulers in u!.s!.a!.!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Comintern!.

Just kidding!. In theory, it's the People, through the leaders they elect!. In actuality, the rich have a very real control over who gets nominated and therefore who is "freely elected," at least at the national level!. The only real control the People have is very local -- and in some places, non-existant!.

I'm not normally one who believes in conspiracy, but to think we get the government we the People want is very naive!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Varies by who you ask!. Theoretically the whole of our people!. That is laughed at a lot!. But if we are stirred up we are!. You are seeing it in this presidential race!. In extreme it would be seen in Civil War!. I hope and pray we never go that far again!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com