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Position:Home>History> Can someone name the 11 most historical events in Medieval times?

Question: Can someone name the 11 most historical events in Medieval times!?
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That depends on the persons viewpoint, and many of us will have different opinions!. However I believe these events were the most historical!.

1!. Pope Urban II orders the First crusade in 1095 AD, which would see the kingdom of Christendom unite under one banner to re-claim the holy lands!. These expeditions lasted 200 years!.

2!. William the Conqueror, Duke of Normandy, defeats Harold Godwinson and the Anglo Saxons in the battle of Hastings on October 14, 1066!. Will is crowned King of England on Christmas day!. He provides the foundation for Britain and introduces the idea of councils or parliaments that made decisions!. This was the first step to rights and privileges for the people!.

3!. The Black Death ravages across Europe in 1347 AD, killing one-third of the population, believed to be 20 million people!. The epidemic started in the city of Caffa in Northern Turkey!. Worldwide estimates of death are 75 million!. It also had economic affects, destroying feudalism!.

4!. Mohammed, founder of the religion Islam is born in Mecca, 570 AD!. He creates a book known as the Koran, which preaches the wishes of his God Allah!. Muslim faith converted all of those who resided in North-Africa and the Middle-East!.

5!. The 100 years war' between the English and French begins in 1347 AD!. After 4 major confrontations (Plessy,Crecy,Agincourt and Sluys) the French forces are crushed!. However, Joan of Arc, a young girl aged 15, leads the very last French resistance to nummerous key victories to regain their land, power and wealth, eventually removing English provinces from mainland Europe!.

6!. The invention and widespread use of gunpowder!. This white substance, when lit caused extensive damage to castle walls, rendering them near useless!. Eventually in the Middle Ages primitive forms of guns were developed!.

7!. Christopher Columbus discovers "The Americas" in 1492 AD, opening up the world to exploration and new forms of riches!. The lands he finds are colonized by the Spanish and the ancient Aztec tribe that lived here was wiped out through smallpox!.

8!. The fall of Constantinople, the capital of the Byzantine Empire in 1453 AD!. The Ottoman Turks, lead by Mehmed II used cannons to blast the defences down and invade, hundreds of thousands strong!. The city was occupied and remains Islamic to this day!. It was renamed in the 1930's to Istanbul!.

9!. The schism of 1054 AD!. Normans in Sicily had captured Pope Leo IX, and were threatening Southern Italy!. The newly elected Pope and the Emperor of Byzantium considered an Alliance to defeat the Normans!. The patriach of Constantinople, Michael Cerularius thought an alliance would lower the importance of the Eastern church and so he discouraged it!. The Pope consequently excommunicated Cerularius, and he excommunicated the Pope!.

10!. The Mongol invasion of not only China, but Europe!. Batu Khan ravaged the settlements in Russia, sacking them and raping the occupants!. This nomadic tribe of horsemen gained huge wealth and prospered, enslaving some of their victims while massacring others!. Eventually they changed their religious beliefs to Islam and began to assimilate into communities!.

11!. Finally, I think the 30 years war' qualifies!. The Holy Roman Empire and France fought a bitter war, one of the most bloodthirsty in history to this date!. Holy Roman regiments were marching to the Papal States and French contigents held them off in a close deciding face-off!.

Well there's your 11, it took a long time to type so I hope it gave you some insight!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The introduction of gunpowder, leading to cannon (and later to handguns) and explosive mines revolutionized warfare and eventually made armoured knights and fortified castles obsolete!.

The mariner's compass helped adventurers find their way on long sea voyages out of sight of land, leading to the discovery of new continents and countries, increasing knowledge of the world!.

The invention of printing with movable type made possible the mass production of books, making knowledge more widely available!. Easy mass production of political pamphlets and eventually news papers led to a wider dissemination of news and ideas!.

The fall of Constantinople in 1453 brought about the end of the eastern (Byzantine) Roman Empire after more than two millennia!. It led to a new interest in the mathematical and scientific knowledge and literature of classical antiquity, as copies of ancient texts were disseminatedin the west!.


The Black Death!.

The crusades - some positive results (knowledge and goods such as silks and muslins brought back from the middle east) - but the negative results are still with us today!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The PlagueWww@QuestionHome@Com