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Position:Home>History> Boston Tea Party? Colonists reactions?

Question: Boston Tea Party!? Colonists reactions!?
I have a project due tomorrow and i need to know some reasons why colonists either supported of condemned the Boston Tea Party!?!?!?!? Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
since your name has soccer in it will help you out!. They colonists mainly supported the Boston Tea Party because it was a way that the British were trying to sell there tea to the Colonists in order to help their industry from dying!. The British disobeyed their own laws in order to save there company yet still tax the Colonists!. They were cheating the system and exploiting the Colonists!. The Colonists were sick of being used like slaves and being taxed to put money in British officials pockets!. Some Colonists were against acts of defiance because they were loyal to their country and because they originated from Britian, they felt they should obey the mother country!.
Boston Tea Party was led by the "sons of liberty" a group of boycotters led by Sam Adams!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well i hate to disagree with the above but the colonists were overall divided on the tea party!. Sure many supported it, as the tea tax was forced on the colonists, however many also thought that it was nothing short as an act of vandalism!. You must first put yourself into the mind of a 1700s colonist and understand that they still felt themselves not an American but rather a British subject!. And this act was committed to desecrate the british goods!. Boston, where the Tea Party took place, was the hotbed of revolutionary theory and there it had by far the strongest support!. New England, generally, supported it!. But the more conservative Southern nations were a bit upset at this act!. They (and a good many other men around the country) felt that words rather than actions could resolve their problems!.

All-in-all, however, further actions by the British, including the closing of the port of Boston prompted a good-many anti-Tea Party and neutrals to lean to the supportive side!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Another major argument for the condemnation of the BTP was the fear of reprisal from the British!. In basic terms, the other colonies didn't want to be punished for the actions of a few radicals up in Mass!.Www@QuestionHome@Com