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Question: Another History topic for discussion!!?
Hi again! I continued reading on in my textbook and i came upon more questions for discussion that i was hoping someone could help me out with!. The chapter in the book was about how the Constitution is often called a document of comprimises!. The first question is, What compromises were made during the continental convention!? I know that the three major ones are the 3/5 comprmise, the Great Compromise, and the slave trade compromise!. That is all i was worried about being familiar with!. Next, did the compromises make the Union stronger or weaker!? Why!? And lastly do you have any specific details to support your thoughts!? Thanks Greatly!!! Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The big compromise was between states rights and strong central government!. Balance of power between three branches which when set up states senates controlled one branch and the amendment that said all powers not vested to central government shall remain states powers helped form great compromise!. 3/5 compromise dealt with how *****'s and Indians would be counted during census to determine representation!. Forget the proportion!. It may have been every five would count as three!. Think Indians were less but not sure!.
The government established by constitution was much stronger than government established under Articles of Confederation!. Really good book on subject America's constitution AkHil Reed Amar!. Another is Miracle on 34th Street!.Www@QuestionHome@Com