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Position:Home>History> In European History, what was the Calvanist opinion in the Netherlands?

Question: In European History, what was the Calvanist opinion in the Netherlands!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Netherlands (modern Holland and Belgium) was composed of anciently independent provinces, where democracy and freedom of thought had grown since the time of the Middle Ages!. Because of its industriousness, it was the richest and most thriving district of Europe!. Among a people of such intelligence and independence, the doctrines of the Reformation found an early and earnest acceptance!. This land of Thomas à Kempis, and Erasmus was fertile ground for the Reformation!. Though the districts in the Netherlands were self-ruled, they were, unfortunately, under the 'protection' of the most unholy Roman emperor, Charles V!. As early as 1521, only four years after Luther posted his 95 theses at Wittenburg, Charles V issued a severe edict against the Lutheran heresy!. Anywhere from 50,000 to 100,000 Netherlanders were burned, strangled, beheaded or buried alive in obedience to the edicts of Charles V for such offenses as reading the Scriptures, refusing to worship graven images, or ridiculing the idea of the actual presence of Christ's body in the wafer!.

The Netherlands embraced free-thinking, but unfortunately were still controlled by the Catholic Church!.Www@QuestionHome@Com