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Position:Home>History> 3 questions that regard to early american history, homework help, please!?

Question: 3 questions that regard to early american history, homework help, please!!?
Planters in the nineteenth century promoted Christianity in the slave quarters because
A!. they didn't want infidels playing with their children!.
B!. they knew the preachers would bring joy and thus make the slaves happier and live longer!.
C!. they believed that the slaves' salvation was part of their obligation and that religion would make slaves more obedient!.
D!. evangelicals were advocating Christianizing the slaves!.

The precise objectives of John Brown's assault on Harpers Ferry, Virginia, in 1859 remain hazy, but most believe he wanted to
A!. steal arms from the arsenal to take back to New England!.
B!. set up a training camp for militant abolitionists!.
C!. initiate a slave insurrection!.
D!. shut down the federal arsenal so it could no longer manufacture weapons!.

As a result of the 1854 Kansas-Nebraska Act,
A!. the nation once again had only one functioning political party!.
B!. the Whigs gained new strength and vitality!.
C!. the nation witnessed the demise of the Whig Party and the eventual rise of a system in which the Democrats dominated the South and the Republican Party was limited to the North!.
D!. the Democrats came to dominate northern politics!.

I think #1=c #2=d #3=bWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1 is C!. They believed it was their duty to bring the slaves Salvation!.
2 is most likely C as well!. While I personally don't know why he attacked the armory, but I know he was an advocate of leading a militant insurrection against slavery!. He was also the leader of the Pottawatomie (not sure of that's spelled right) Massacre in 1856, in which he and others murdered several pro-Slavery settlers in Franklin County, Kansas!.
3, I'm not sure of, personally!. I know the Republican party was aimed at preventing the expansion of slavery, so it would make sense that it would be a mostly-northern party at the time!. But I know it's not B!. The Whigs would have been all but gone by then!. In fact, by 1856, the Whigs were nothing more than a memory!. The third question is either A or C!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. C

2!. C

3!. CWww@QuestionHome@Com

i think 1= Chuck Norris
2=Dr Doolittle

