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Position:Home>History> Did you know Cheney almost died and they had to stop his heart and bring it back

Question: Did you know Cheney almost died and they had to stop his heart and bring it back!?
McCain wished Nancy Regan well because she had a fall, but neither candidate mentioned Dick Cheney who was dieing in a hospital!. If Cheny dies do you think Bush will bother to replace him!. Who would he choose!? McSAME-BUSH-3 or Sarah Palin!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Better yet do you know anyone who cares about Cheney!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

They had to bring back his heart!?

Now, just where exactly do you go looking for Big Dick's heart!?

I'm a little suprised to find out he's got one!. Wonders will never cease, I guess!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com