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Position:Home>History> What is bureaucracy and what does max weber of germany have to do with it?

Question: What is bureaucracy and what does max weber of germany have to do with it!?
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Bureaucracy is term we give to any organization that is made up of departments, had a hierarchical structure, and is governed by written down rules, regulations, and procedures!.

Today, it is mostly a negative term because most huge organizations that people deal with are bureaucracies: government and large companies!. They have a reputation for being inefficient, corrupt, lazy, and unresponsive!. The IRS is everyone's most hated bureaucracy!.

A major problem is that in bureaucracies, the person who moves the form is more powerful than the person sending the form or the person requesting the form!. That gives faceless workers in the middle a lot of power with no accountability!. They can play keep away with the form and no one knows where it got lost in the maze of desks and departments!.

Max Weber was German political scientist!. His big thing was that he believed that the best way for government to operate was through bureaucracies!. It creates a machine like system that delivers orderly and relatively consistent results!.

Unfortunately, he was right!. Experience has shown that any alternative to the bureaucracies work for a little while at best and then go strait into the crapper of anarchy!.

The key is to create the machine correctly rather than get rid of the machine!. This is because that once the machine is built, it is near impossible to fix!. There are too many people invested in keeping the machine as is because they have power!.Www@QuestionHome@Com