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Position:Home>History> Holocaust question!!!!can you help?

Question: Holocaust question!!!!can you help!?
i read two very sad stories about the holocaust(Yellow Star is one of the books and Number The Stars is the other)and i was wondering why those mean mean men killed all of those poor inosint Jews!?!?!?It's so sad!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I hope you're joking, although I also hope you don't really think this is something to joke about!.

The roots of antisemitism are very very deep, preceding the WWII years by many hundreds of years!. Small scale purges and pogroms of Jews had been going on for a very long time; the Nazis were able to industrialize the slaughter like no one had been able to before!.

It didn't start with Hitler and the Nazis, and tragically, it doesn't seem to have ended!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

The jews were blamed (unfairly) for all of Germany's economic problems at the time!. The Nazis used propaganda to make people believe that the jews were evil, money grabbing low lives!.

The Nazis also believed in an airien race (blue eyed, blonde haired pure Germans) and Hitler believed that a jew could never be a pure German so he singled them out and had many of them killed!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

After WW1 and the Treaty of Versailles Germany was left ravaged and poor and hungry!.There are many reasons for the occurrence of the Holocaust, and most of these reasons can be explained by anti-Semitism (the racial prejudice and discrimination shown towards Jews)!. But the question is - what drove millions of people to feel this hatred for the Jewish people!? A main reason for their persecution was that they were different – socially and religiously!.
The Jews followed Judaism, and claimed that they were, “God’s chosen people,” which angered Christians!. When the Jews were not prepared to change their religion, Christians became very hostile!. They were also blamed them for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ!.
Socially, they were seen as strangers as they lived by a different culture, spoke a different language and had a different faith!. Because of these differences, they were easily targeted as scapegoats for problems, even natural disasters!. They were blamed for the black death in 1348 as it was said that they "poisoned the wells!." and were blamed also for losing the first world war!.
Then the idea of a complete Aryan race grew!. Hitler believed that the German race was superior and that it was necessary for the "contamination" of other races to be removed!. When he came into power the Nazis took this idea and developed it into ghettos, concentration camps, death camps etc!.
While Hitler was the worst type of person, he could not have done what he did without the German people and the rest of Europe turning a blind eye!. The English,Americans and French were aware of what was happening and did nothing, knowing Germany would be soley blamed!.Countries such as Poland, Checkoslavakia etc, were more than happy to get rid of their Jews!.
It was the depression, 1930s and the poverty stricken country was happy to blame the Jews for the economic crisis!. Hitler won their support by overloading them with propaganda through posters, speeches and radio broadcasts!. He somehow convinced them that all their problems were caused by the Jews and that wiping out the Jewish race and the "impure" (homosexuals, slavs, gypsies, mentally handicapped!.!.!.)would create the perfect place for the "superior" race to live!.
And many believed him, although Hitler did not come into power democratically, he burned down the Reichstag (parliament) before counting of the votes was finished!. After becoming the leader, he forced Jews into ghettos, from which they were taken to camps and between 7!.2 and 7!.8 million were murdered!.

Because Hitler and his Nazis were evil, loved evil, and now are burning in hell!.

Who can explain why men become consumed with evil!? Its like you have played with a fire thinking you could control it (sin) only to find it is consuming you like a plague!. Men make decisions that are radically out of balence, when they do it at a national level it effect millions rathers than a few!. That is why you should be so careful who you allow into public office, because you never know if you are electing a good man or a tyrant oftentimes!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

because they were nazis and anti-semitic!. they viewed jews and slavs as inferior people who had to be exterminated!.

i havent read the books you read so unless theres something specific you mean!.Www@QuestionHome@Com