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Position:Home>History> When he was young, Lenin was a lawyer. Can I find a photo that represents him in

Question: When he was young, Lenin was a lawyer!. Can I find a photo that represents him in lawyer's clothes !?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Lenin only practised law for about 18 months, from early 1892 to mid 1893 in the provincial city of Samara!. There are very few photos of him at this time, and I couldn't find one of him in his Lawyer gowns!.

You could try contacting Robert Service the author of the excellent Lenin: A Biography, or contacting the website in the link below!.

The first is a picture of Lenin from five years or so later and is from St Petersburg not Samara!.
The second is a link to a Lenin photo archive - it has contact details at the bottom