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Question: Julius caesar research paper!?
i have a research paper do soon andd i want to know some facts about julius caesar!. got any!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You are looking for Gaius Julius Caesar, born 100 BCE, assassinated 15 March 44 BCE!.
He was a Roman general, consul and dictator - to name but a few!.
He won his greatest glory by conquering Gaul - modern day France and in the civil war - against Pompey and the Optimates of the Senate!.
He was part of a trio that dominated Roman politics called the First Triumvirate (Caesar, Crassus, Pompey) the latter being the same guy he fought in the civil war!.
Any more will only confuse you from the outset!. some key words to look up are: Populares, Optimates, Cursus Honorum!. A lot of this can be found in Wiki, all good for background knowledge!. It is hard to point in the right direction without knowing the parameters of the paper!. Caesar also wrote two books: The Gallic Wars (wars in Gaul) and The Civil War!.
There are plenty of ancient historians that wrote about Caesar, even contemporaries such as Cicero, who wrote about him in his letters to Atticus!. Caesar is a fascinating topic, don't be put off by the strange words and names, you'll be surprised how much you have heard of, it's all part of western cultural identity!. Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The greatest ruler of Rome, Caesar Augustus was a conundrum: a ruthless politician and soldier who used his power to restore order and prosperity to Rome with such success that his reign (27 B!.C!. to 14 A!.D!.) became known as the Augustan Age!. Born Gaius Octavius, he was named as the adopted heir of his great uncle Julius Caesar in Caesar's will!. (At this point Octavius changed his name to Julius Caesar Octavianus; in his own era he was called Caesar, though in modern accounts he is usually called Octavian for clarity!.) After the murder of Caesar in 44 B!.C!., Octavian formed an uneasy alliance with Julius Caesar's fellow soldier Marc Antony and the general Marcus Lepidus, an alliance known as the Second Triumvirate!. The three spent several years conquering their common enemies, but Octavian and Antony finally turned on one another after Antony formed a political (and romantic) alliance with the Egyptian queen Cleopatra!. Octavian defeated the combined forces of Antony and Cleopatra in the naval battle of Actium (31 B!.C!.) and became the absolute power in Rome!. In 27 B!.C!. the Roman Senate added to his adopted name of Caesar the title Augustus (meaning "divine" or "majestic")!. As emperor he expanded the borders of Rome and took a particular interest in civic and cultural affairs, building temples and theaters, improving aqueducts and supporting poets and historians like Virgil and Ovid!. Augustus died in 14 A!.D!. and was replaced by his stepson Tiberius, the son of Augustus's second wife Livia!.

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