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Position:Home>History> How were Byzantine Orthodox missionaries different than Roman Catholic missionar

Question: How were Byzantine Orthodox missionaries different than Roman Catholic missionaries!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
First Orthodox Bishops translated Scripture and Liturgy into the local language- Saint Cyril and methodius translated both into an early Slavic language called Old Church Slavonic in the 9th century!.
An Orthodox missionary priest could be marred- as a married man could be ordained to the priesthood!.
The Churches established by Orthodox missionaries would be self governing most of the time--- The Bulgarian and other early Orthodox churches admitted themselves independent of Constantinople while the Orthodox church in America initially started as part of the Russian Orthodox church- since Alaska was part of Russia at the time!.
Where western Misionaries from the 6th centruyry on would use nothing but Latin would be under the PopeWww@QuestionHome@Com

One of the key differences is that when Orthodox missionaries travel to a new land to spread the Gospel, they respect the native cultural language and traditions!. Instead of forcing the new converts to pray in Latin and adopt Western European religious customs, they blend the existing cultural elements with their own Orthodox theology, and try to reach the people on their own platform!. The missionaries also do not try and force conversion, and instead simply wait for the people to come to them, if and when they become interested to see what the missionaries have to offer!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com