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Position:Home>History> Question about the Iroquois League & Nation (Native American) history?

Question: Question about the Iroquois League & Nation (Native American) history!?
I live not too far from a Seneca Nation!. I always thought that the Iroquois and Senecas were had nothing to do with each other!. But i heard not too long ago that Iroquois and Seneca were kinda the same thing!. I guess that the Senecas are 1 of the 6 nations of the Iroquois!.

My question is : How does that work with Native American Leagues & Nations (especially the Iroquois & Seneca) !?!?!?

I have alittle Native blood in me and i find Native American history so interesting!. Thanks so much Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Native American collectives like the Iroquois were very much like the city-states of ancient Greece!. They maintained their own sovereignty, laws, customs, and culture!. They even made war on one another with some regularity!. However, when threatened by an outside force they immediately abandoned all disputes with one another and turned to fight that threat!. Additionally, they had a overarching council like that of the 1980's era Mob which attempted, with varying degrees of success, to settle disputes between tribes peacefully for the good of all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com