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Position:Home>History> Need Help in history-Cattle kingdom?

Question: Need Help in history-Cattle kingdom!?
how did the growth of the cattle kingdom affect the plains indians!? please help! thanks in advance :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Off the top of my head:
The cattle drives from Texas to Montana ate up the buffalo's grass, so that along with being shot, the herds that sustained the Plains Indians dwindled!.
Cattle ranchers (and farmers) fenced in their land to keep their cattle in!. Indians were nomads in many cases and couldn't cross the land anymore without getting shot at!. They stole cattle to eat, and that made the ranchers mad!. Then the Indians got back at them by killing whites who often had no part in the original argument, so the Indians were vilified as the bad guys!. They also provided yellow journalists with fodder for horrific stories that people back in the civilized east gobbled up!.

I'd say that it pretty much wiped them out in the long run!.Www@QuestionHome@Com