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Position:Home>History> In what ways did the Cuban Missile Crisis change relations between the USA and t

Question: In what ways did the Cuban Missile Crisis change relations between the USA and the USSR in the 1960s!?
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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It made the US withdraw their missiles, based at a similar striking distance to those in Cuba out of Turkey!.

The US pulled off a propaganda coup by making the terms of a deal secret and pretending to claim a great psychological victory which in actual fact was very hollow!. It also changed both their respective focus's in spheres of influence to some extent in the coming years!.

For example the US interfered in South East Asia: Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, while the Russians interfered in African countries such as Angola with UNITA and Mozambique with the Frelimo and Renamo business!.


I think it also made both sides rethink their nuclear strategies knowing bluffing would only work so far, so in the late 60's and early 70's they came up with the SALT agreement, (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com