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Position:Home>History> How does the historical "Keating Five" affect us?

Question: How does the historical "Keating Five" affect us!?
lets know our own history please!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
One of those miscreants is running for President of the United States!. John McCain is one of the Keating 5 who was saved from impeachment and imprisonment by a political deal!. McCain has proved his lack of integrity and honesty; he was the bagman for crooked businessman Charlie Keating III!. He should be an ex-convict instead of Sarah Palin's "Pappy!"Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is interesting that you would bring this topic up for a number of reasons!. Presidential hopeful John McCain was eyed with a great amount of suspicion!. It was assumed that he'd been involved in strong arm politics that worked in favor of Mr!. Keating and his lobbyists!. In the end, Mr!. McCain was found to be innocent!. Mr!. McCain then want on to sponsor a number of bills intended to limit the amount of exposure and influence lobbyists have in Washington!.

Sadly, it was the lobbyists for the financial institutions that pushed for and got bills passed that would raise interest rates from 21% to 30%, paving the way for 0% interest credit cards and Variable Interest Rate Mortgage loans!. They also pushed through legislation changing who qualified for bankruptcy and who does not!. It took time, but I firmly believe that it was all of this that lead up to the current financial "crisis!."

What's worse is that no one seemed to care that during the last two conventions, the lobbyists and elected officials flagrantly skirted the laws!. No forks and knives allowed, get creative and serve everything with a spoon!. No golf outings for individuals, invite two or more! With this sort of behavior by our law makers and financial institutions, is it no wonder they've screwed things up as miserably as they have!? And now they believe that we MUST cover their sorry butts!. Chances are, they will be investigated, found guilty of this and that, get a light "prison" term at the local country club and walk away with their severence and retirement pay as well as their bounus (benefits) package well intact!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

It also helps us understand why we're going through this mess we're going through now with the economy in shambles!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It reminds us that even the most apparently honest politicians are corrupt!.Www@QuestionHome@Com