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Position:Home>History> The assumptions of the Schlieffen Plan?

Question: The assumptions of the Schlieffen Plan!?
Can anyone name 5 assumptions the Schlieffen plan was based on!?
So far I have!.!.
- That Russia would take at least 6 weeks to mobilize
- That Belgium wouldn't resist and would let Germany though!.

I need 3 more!? Anyone!?
Please =)
Thanks in advance

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The five key assumptions of the schlieffen plan are:

1!.) The Russian Mobilization would take greater than 6 weeks

2!.) Belgium & the Netherlands would not resist and would let Germany through!.

3!.) Will surprise the French, and would prevent them from mobilizing & defend themselves!.

4!.) The plan also assumes that the moblization of the German army would discourage England from getting involved!.

5!.) The plan also assumes that Paris will fall within a week or two!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
