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Position:Home>History> Tell Me About Christianity and how it spread?

Question: Tell Me About Christianity and how it spread!?
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Christianity obviously started spreading after the death of Jesus Christ, in AD 33!. This was the time of the Roman Empire, and Christianity was at first not accepted there at all!.

The Christians said they had found God, that their God was the true God and that their God was the only God!. A huge insult for the Roman emperor, of course, as in these days, Caesar = God!. Still, a lot of people were attracted to the new religion, as it contained the principle of salvation: anyone can be saved, not just the rich/literate etc!. So because Christianity was attractive for all people, and not just the elite, it became more and more popular through the years!. In 325 AD, Christianity was finally accepted as the official religion of the Roman Empire, and it became illegal to kill/persecute Christians because of what they believed!.

After the decline of the Roman Empire, Christianity spread all over Europe, with Catholicism in the West, and Orthodox Christianity in the East!. Even though the East was later part of the Ottoman, and therefore Islamic empire, Christianity remained widely spread there!.

Later, Christianity was spread through colonization, and so it ended up all across the Atlantic in the Americas, Africa, and eventually Australia!. Www@QuestionHome@Com