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Position:Home>History> Would you consider christopher columbus a hero or villian and why?

Question: Would you consider christopher columbus a hero or villian and why!?
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In school, children are taught that Christopher Columbus was a national hero!. In actuality, the man was a murderer!. It is true that he found a land that was unknown to the “civilized” world, yet in this discovery, he erased the natives inhabiting the land!. With slavery, warfare, and inhumane acts, Christopher Columbus and the men who accompanied him completely destroyed a people, a culture, and a land!. These are not actions that should be heralded as heroic!.

Even in Columbus’s own letters one can see the arrogance he possessed in claiming the islands he found!. In a letter describing his findings to his friend Luis de Santangel, he wrote, “And there I found very many islands filled with people innumerable, and of them all I have taken possession for their Highnesses!.…”
Columbus never stopped to consider that these islands were not his to take, nor were the people that inhabited them!. He simply took over these lands, even going so far as to rename them all!. In order to let everyone know of his great discovery, he returned to Spain with many new items, including kidnapped Indians


Both, depending upon whether or not he's viewed in historical context!. For more details, you'll have to do your own research as "opinions" have a bad habit of showing up plagiarized in essays!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Villian killed the Indian people and even some of his and took credit for first spoting south america when one of his crew did

Pretty villianish to meWww@QuestionHome@Com

I consider Columbus to have been a visionary explorer!. The Conquistadors who followed him were villians!.

villian!. the americas would have been discovered anyway by europeans!. columbus was a cruel slave owner!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

probably a hero because he found this country and like well i d k cause like he found this country and now its goin all down hill Www@QuestionHome@Com