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Position:Home>History> Prosperous colonies under the british empire?

Question: Prosperous colonies under the british empire!?
I have a debate, that models a continental congress!. So i have to persuade the other colonists to be under the control of the british!. For this i need specific examples of HOW THE COLONIES PROSPERED DURING THE BRITISH RULE!.
Specific examples please :)


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
According to this link:

"The thirteen colonies in the Eighteenth century were probably the places with the highest standard of living in the world!. Cheap land and abundant natural resources allowed settlers opportunities they could only dream of back in Britain!."

Many argued that that standard of living would not have been possible if the colonies did not remain under British control!. also, the colonies, in the beginning, were pretty much left to their own devices, and they weren't taxed heavily, which allowed for more investment!.

However, the truth is that increased taxation by the British (used to fund their wars with France in the future) would have weakened the colonial economies!.