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Question: Santiago de Compostela!?
I have a religion project on the "Satiago de Compostela" and any answers on the following questions would be much appreciated! No links to websites please!

1!.Where is the site!?
2!. Who is the site associated with!?
3!. The story behind the site
4!. Why is the site so important
5!. What do people do at the pilgrimage site!?
6!. What do people believe they'll get out of it!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Santiago de Compostela, been there, painted it, water colours by the way!.

1) Northern Spain, one of the three holy Christian cities around the world!.
2) "Santiago" ("Sant' Iago") means "St!. James", and the city is supposedly the final resting place of the Apostle Saint James the Great, the brother of John!. His remains are said to be beneath the altar in the crypt of the cathedral!. According to another theory the actual remains in the crypt belong to Priscillian, an ascetic from Avila who was beheaded as a heretic at Treves, France, in 385 AD, but was venerated as a martyr in Galicia and other parts of northern Spain!.

3)"Santiago" ("Sant' Iago") means "St!. James", and the city is supposedly the final resting place of the Apostle Saint James the Great, the brother of John!. His remains are said to be beneath the altar in the crypt of the cathedral!. According to another theory the actual remains in the crypt belong to Priscillian, an ascetic from Avila who was beheaded as a heretic at Treves, France, in 385 AD, but was venerated as a martyr in Galicia and other parts of northern Spain!.

The Roman Catholic Church affirms that the belief that St James had found his way to the Iberian peninsula, and had preached there, was current before AD!. 400!.

According to a tradition that cannot be traced before the 12th century, the relics were said to have been discovered in 835 by Theodomir, bishop of Iria Flavia in the far northwest of the principality of Asturias!. Theodomir was guided to the spot by a star, the legend affirmed, drawing upon a familiar myth-element, hence "Compostela" was given an etymology as a corruption of Campus Stellae, "Plain of the Star!.

4)One of the three holy Christian cities around the world!.
5)At the front of the Baroque cathedral, a golden mollusc shell adorns the altar!. A steady stream of pilgrims still queue there to kiss the shell, as another sign of homage!.
6)M Absolution and meditation!.