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Position:Home>History> When people criticize the bombing of Hiroshima, are they doing so with a lack of

Question: When people criticize the bombing of Hiroshima, are they doing so with a lack of perspective of those times!?
Is it true that there are some misunderstandings of what the mentality was at the time of the atomic bombing!? What are some of the factors that existed then that can explain better why this was done, factors that are forgotten about and not appreciated today!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
For one it was estimated it would cost over a million men at least to overrun the Japanese home islands!. Democracies cannot lose men like that!. It was the quickest way to end the war and in the end it cost less lives despite the terrors of it!. also the American public wants their boys home, not dead halfway around the world!. When it's them or both of us most people would choose them to die!. Yes few people it seems have any perspective!. The Japanese would fight to the last bullet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are several factors - the fact that the Japanese served their Emperor as a living God - and were prepared to die for him meant that surrender was not suposedly an option!.

Ending the war sooner rather than later was calculated to save more lives than would be lost in the bombing!.

The US had the bomb and had spent a fortune developing it - they needed to know if it worked and what its military capability was (rather than testing in a desert)!.

The US also wanted to demonstrate to the USSR their strength with a view to the post war balance of power!. This was short lived as the secrets were soon sold to the Russians (by Ethel and Julius Rosenberg)!.

Excellent site on the subject:

Only after great deliberation did the president then authorise the bomb to be dropped!. This was basically on account of the fact that the Japanese peoples had been brainwashed into accepting the fact that
they would die to the last man, woman and child and never surrender!.
Old Hirohito was a monster, as well!. He did, however, favour staying alive!. The bomb had been developed and Germany defeated by the time it was ready!. It had to be dropped!. In fact, two had to be dropped!.
It was not the bomb that killed all the Japanese people who had to perish, it was their warlords, who held them of no account, anyway!. Did these people choose to fight a war against the world!? They had no say in it!. At least here, we may not like the government or the results of their actions, but we did vote them in as a nation!. Vote with pride!. In the whole history of mankind, voting by the people has had a very short lived history!. Don't cop out!. You take the opportunity to vote for the candidate who wants to give you the better life!.

Oh, contrary to what one of your respondents has said, the American bomb was tested in the desert before being dropped!. In fact, I believe there were two test runs conducted!.
The Manhatan Project!. No use dropping a bomb like that unless it will work!. We can only work towards never ever having to use such a weapon again, but I seriously wonder when the criinal actions of rogue nations are reported so accurately by the world news services!. Did Saddam hussein have an atomic capability!? just because nothing was found does not necessarily say he did not!. He could have been financing the thing to get developed in Iran, for instance, even though he went to war against them before!. hitler is thought to have wanted such a bomb developed!. He got rid of the very people that could have been capable to conduct such a mission!. However, whether they would have willingly complied is another matter of conjecture!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"I voiced to him my grave misgivings, first on the basis of my belief that Japan was already defeated and that dropping the bomb was completely unnecessary, and secondly because I thought that our country should avoid shocking world opinion by the use of a weapon whose employment was, I thought, no longer mandatory as a measure to save American lives!."
Eisenhower, 1963, The White House Years

Perhaps some do it with complete perspective (and a little hindsight)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why don't you just READ some of the HUNDREDS OF BOOKS on this!.!. and then you would know what an uninformed question it is!.

I get sick and tired of these revisionists who DON'T KNOW CRAP but try to judge the WARTIME PAST by the present!.

IT WAS WAR!.!.!. and the JAPS WERE THE ENEMY!.!. and if you want to know if it was necessary to drop the bomb!.!. !.then find one of the WW2 soldiers who still survive and knew they were going to be in the invasion of the Home Islands!.!.!. AND ASK THEM IF IT WAS A GOOD IDEA!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

But of course, they've had the black spectre of nuclear holocaust embedded into their brains for the past 60 years!.!.!.!.!. something Truman et al didn't have!.Www@QuestionHome@Com