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Position:Home>History> Presidential profiles- John Adams?

Question: Presidential profiles- John Adams!?
I need a couple of websites that have information about John Adams primarily about:

Full Name of President
Years served
Total number of years in office
Occupation (prior to becoming president)
Political Party affiliation
Elected from which state
Vice President
Major Domestic Policy
Major Foreign Policy

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

John Adams, no middle name!.
1797-1801 2nd President of the USA
born 10/30/1735 died 7/4/1826--anniversary of the Declaration of
Independence, also the SAME day that Thomas Jefferson died!.
Home State-- Massachusetts
Vice president Thomas Jefferson, an anti Federalist and was not a
member of Adams Federalist party
Party Affiliation-- Federalist!.
Domestic Policy-- The Alien and Sedition Act!. The Alien Act made it
harder for new immigrants to become citizens, Most new citizens
voted fpr Jefferson!. The Sedition Act made it a criminal offense to
criticize the president or anyone in office!. Both theae nacts together
ruined the Federalists because most people thought they were
dangerous laws which limited people's freedoms!. In Virginia and
Kentucky they passed Resolutions declaring the laws to be illegal!.
Foreign Policy-- adams was able to avoid a war with France over their
policy of seizing US ships which tried to trade with Britain!. Adams
refused to pay a bribe to the French!. The XYZ Affair, in order to make
peace and had our navy fight a successful war against the French in
order to protect american shipping!. Ignoring demands from his fellow
Federalists, Hamilton, demanding we fight the French Adams got the
issue resolved peacefully!. Which was a good thing because we were
not prepared to fight ANY type of land war!.
Hope that helps!. Packers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com



