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Position:Home>History> Is Philippines better if Americans colonized us or better off if not colonized?w

Question: Is Philippines better if Americans colonized us or better off if not colonized!?why!?

just want to ask, we are going to have a debate tomorrow, and i need good topics to argue with Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Better that we have experienced a little Americanization first than had we faced the 20th century saddled only with a veneer of Westernized civilization and with our own republic!. My first reason is philisophical!. To be(to have been) is better not to to be( not to have been)!. Why bother on something that would not have happened!? Secondly, by 1898 when we attained independence, only a small percentage of Filipinos ever had higher education and this percentage was based only in Manila and its environs!. Historical experience teaches usthat when a country is ill-educated and given independence, it would soon go into the dogs!. Since only a small percentage of our population was educated and an even smaller percentage of the population with minimal if not absent experience in running a country in a democratic way, the new Philippine nation would quickly have been bogged down by elitist autocratic rule by a clique of powerful families!. Those families who failed to gain power would hark back to the only pattern of governance they knew - the bloody and never-ending succession of military coups and armed revolutions!. Sadly, this was the lot of most
of the South American republics!.The 40-odd years of American rule may have been a slap to the yearnings of our forebears for freedomd, but the interregnum was an ample learning experience for running a modern, democratic republic!. Again it is easily done and many Filipinos today , eespecially our rhetorics-spewing politicians who, as expressed by MLQ, himslef 'Better the short wait than to have a long ordeal!.

Well was it better under Spanish!? They might not have granted the Philippines their independents like what the US did after WW2!.Www@QuestionHome@Com