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Position:Home>History> Is it true that the US ?

Question: Is it true that the US !?
blames Britain for its role in World War lI !? i know we the brits knew Pearl Harbor was going to happen !. And from a lot of US historians I have heard seem to hate us for that , Do you think it was a cold callous part on Britain's part , or was it justified Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
No, Britain is not blamed for American involvement in WWII and it's a myth that the British knew in advance that Pearl Harbor was going to be attacked!. The attack on Pearl Harbor only caused us to go to war with Japan, it was Germany and Italy declaring war on the U!.S!. that brought the nation into the war in Europe!.

There is no question that the British wanted the U!.S!. involved in the war to help fight Hitler but they neither caused America to get involved nor are they blamed by Americans who know anything about history!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've never heard anyone in America (wow manthebraces, you're very clever, teach me to be just like you), historian or otherwise, express hatred toward Britain for foreknowledge of Pearl Harbor!.

One way or the other the US would have eventually joined the war!. Waiting longer could have resulted in even more deaths!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm an american, and a history nut, and I have never heard that we blame the brits at all!.!.

I've always thought we admired their refusal to surrender to Hitler, even when they took quite the beating!.

We blame the Japanese destruction of Pearl Harbor for getting us into the war!.

There's just as much evidence that OUR Prez (or high-up people) knew about Pearl Harbor before it happened, just as much as the British!. We kinda think, if it's true, that it was bad of the President to let it happen, but I don't think many people at ALL think we should NOT have been in WWII!. Our involvment in WWII is not as controversial as Vietnam or Iraq!.!.!. Most Americans even today, feel we did a good thing helping you guys win WWII!. This is for several reasons

A) Hitler was evil and needed to be stopped!. You guys, France, etc needed help getting rid of the Nazi threat!.

B) The war got our country out of the worst (I think) economic depression the country had experienced!. It provided jobs, etc!.!.

C) It's like the allies had been in a boxing ring with the Nazis et all for several rounds!. Both are beaten up, tired!.!. Us joining the war was like a fresh, rested, ready to fight ally joining jumping in the ring to help Britain!. Of course that side will win, the allies now had an advantage!. More man-power, fresh—not battle worn out— soldiers, supplies, and morale!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have NEVER heard this theory before!. It's ludicrous!.
Churchill DID warn Roosevelt about a possible attack and Roosevelt took this info, and info gathered by others, as a probable "heads up!."
The thought at the time was that the Japs would hit Midway first!. Pearl was never considered a primary target!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've never heard this theory before!. Roosevelt publicly said he wanted to remain neutral, however I find it hard to believe he didn't know about Pearl Harbor!. I think that's how he justified entering the war!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why blame the Brits when the AMERIKAN PRESIDENT KNEW IT!.!.!. and he deliberately IGNORED THE FACTS!.!.!. Roosevelt WANTED a war with Japan and Germany!.!.!. and the only way to get the U!.S!. into the war!.!.!. was by IGNORING THE FACTS!.Www@QuestionHome@Com