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Position:Home>History> Brief Explanation on the role of towns in the middle ages?

Question: Brief Explanation on the role of towns in the middle ages!?
For example, what rules did they play in the trade system and what goods did they produce!. Do not put wiki pages or information copied from websites please! Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Towns were more commercial (trade) centres than anything else!. Goods were produced by individual artisans, or as 'cottage industries', in which production was spread out among many homes, instead of a factory!. They would always collect a tariff for goods that travelled through the city, which took the place of nearly all taxes!.

The growth of towns eventually brought an end to feudalism, because if you fled and could survive in a town for a certain length of time, you would be free of your feudal bonds!.

Commercial activity - and so, towns - grew greatly with the liberalizaton of commerce starting from the 11th century on, when Amalfi, Italy, was the first to trade with the Muslim world!. Not wishing to fall behind, other towns followed Amalfi's example!.Www@QuestionHome@Com