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Position:Home>History> How is abortion comparing to the Cambodia genocide ?

Question: How is abortion comparing to the Cambodia genocide !?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Millions of Cambodians were killed by other Cambodians!.

Millions of unborn humans are killed by other humans!.

However, the word 'genocide' means a deliberate effort to kill a specific group of people so the killing is usually concentrated in a particular area!.

Abortion does not attempt to kill the entire human race, only those unborn individuals who are considered inconvenient or likely to be a burden!. In the case of Communist China, forced abortion was used as population control and in the Soviet Union abortion was the only available method of birth control for most of the population!.

Those who do not consider unborn children to be living beings don't believe that abortion is murder!. However, even if one does consider it to be murder, abortion really does not equate to genocide but possibly to mass murder!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

abortion is a choice that some women have to make!. It's always been available for the rich
the cambodian genocide was a reign of terror within the same ethnic group so it was not really a genocide!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It doesn't compare at all!.!. GENOCIDE is the killing of LIVING PEOPLE!.!.!. where ABORTION is merely getting rid of a few bloody cells that are NOT LIVING PEOPLE!.!.!. just bloody cells!.Www@QuestionHome@Com